One of the highlights of our jobs is having the opportunity to get out of the office and meet with our clients and partners. We gather much product and market intelligence and quite honestly, our products are better for the one-on-one discussions and insight we gather by talking to you.
Being a small company, our event attendees are the front line of our business – our CEO, SharePoint technical leads and business development. Rarely in the same time zone, events afford us the opportunity to reconnect, brainstorm and actually sit down for a meal together.

While we don’t have our entire event schedule lined up, we have committed to a few key events in 2018 and where we hope to see you next year:
Intra.NET Reloaded Boston
Boston, US | April 22-24
If you are in the business of redefining the digital workplace, then this show should be on your shortlist. Keynotes, roundtable discussions, brainstorming sessions all make this event feel unique and personalized. Our CEO, Beatriz Oliviera is one of the speakers at the event and will present "Solution Study: A radical transition from functional to user-centric intranet in under 6 months".
SharePoint Conference North America
Las Vegas, US | May 21-23
Connect. Collaborate. Create. Year after year, this conference is a must-attend event for anyone developing in SharePoint and Office 365. Plus, Jeff Teper is featured keynote and it’s in Vegas.
Microsoft Inspire
Las Vegas, US | July 15-19
Speaking of Vegas, this globally attended, partner-focused event heads west this year. This is THE place to get insight on Microsoft’s vision and future and also catch up with and collaborate with our partners.
Microsoft Ignite
Orlando, US | September 24-28
Back to sunny Orlando again next year. This event is a premier event for all things Microsoft. The sheer size of the event should be enough proof that this is the place to be! This past fall, we got some good buzz as we were featured in a great session, presented by our client, Tyson Foods and one of our partners, Dell EMC. We also hosted a pretty awesome party for our clients. So, yeah we are looking forward to this event next year! Watch the recap here.
European SharePoint Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark | November 26-29
The event is headed to Copenhagen, Denmark. We suspect GDPR will be a big topic of discussion at this event. Look for us!
SharePoint Saturdays
Multiple dates, multiple locations
We love these local events peppered all over the world. You will find us at the following SPS events:
Stay up-to-date on BindTuning and where we will be heading in 2018. We will love to connect!